#039 Schilderkunst

Yade Ray Hindryckx

Moulin Rouge

#719 Anders

Jonas Nobels

CWA1 Chlorophytum comosum

#797 Anders

Abel Hartooni

Homunculus attempt

#758 Fotografie

Lennert Lefever

Slapend paard

#828 Anders

Lindert Steegen

For your Eyes Only

#429 Fotografie

Frank Bassleer

Area's to check 20.13.02+04.04

#432 Fotografie

Martine Laquiere

Dedicated to Charles François Daubigny

#652 Fotografie

Nel Samoy

Fragments of Apotheosis

#661 Audio / Video

Vincent Entekhabi


#267 Tekenkunst / Grafiek

Marthe Verhoest

I Wanted To Feel Pretty

#633 Schilderkunst

Nicolas Van Parys

CP maybe a want a dog

#621 Sculptuur / Installatie

Maïté Vanpoucke

Seated Cube

#622 Sculptuur / Installatie

Valéry Vekeman

Testudo armatis

#623 Textiel

Jorinde Commers

Plants in pots

#645 Tekenkunst / Grafiek

Céline Geeraert

Try not to lose it